Lawn - Red Thread
All common lawn grasses are attacked. Develops in patches up to a meter across. Initially water soaked leaves that then fade to a pale fawn.
Lawn - Fusarium Patch
Brown top and poa are most susceptible, but rye and fescue are also attacked. A cool wet weather disease of lawns which appears in extended periods of wet weather.
Lawn - Dollar Spot
A fungus that attacks all grasses, in warm hot humid weather – a late spring to early autumn disease.
Lawn - Brown Patch
This leaf blight develops in circular patches 5 – 30cm across. Initially a purplish tinge which changes to a pale brown. The centre of the patch sometimes recovers to create a ring effect. The disease establishes in moderate to warm conditions, attacking rye, fescue and poa grass species.
Fungal diseases causing Blights and Spots
Spots and blights are symptoms of numerous diseases and disorders caused by many factors, - bacteria, fungi, insects, mineral deficiencies, temperature, and occasionally virus. The most common which we deal with here are fungal. (Bacterial spots are covered above under bacteria.)
Fungal diseases causing distortions
Club root of brassicas, Leaf curl of peaches, Bladder plum, Silver leaf and Verrucosis
Fungal diseases of leaves
Along with insect pests, fungus diseases are the most common problems in the home garden. Whilst good hygiene, rotational cropping, use of resistant varieties, a healthy compost enriched soil, and balanced fertilising all help, these diseases are still common and in some years can be very devastating.
- Apple 2
- Apples 7
- Apricot 1
- Apricots 2
- April 1
- Army worm 1
- Aubergine 1
- Autumn 1
- Azalea 1
- Bare patches 1
- Beans 7
- Beet 1
- Begonia 1
- Berryfruit 2
- Black beetle 1
- Black currant 1
- Black field cricket 1
- Black sooty mould 3
- Black spot 1
- Bladder plum 1
- Blight 1
- Bottlebrush 1
- Boysenberries 1
- Boysenberry 1
- Brassica 7
- Broccoli 5
- Bronze beetle 1
- Brown leaves 1
- Brussel sprouts 1
- Bulbs 1
- Cabbage 5
- Capsicum 2
- Carnations 2
- Carrot rust fly 1
- Carrots 2
- Cauliflower 5
- Celery 2
- Cherries 3
- Cherry 1
- Cherry pear slug 1
- Chewed 2
- Chewed blossom 1
- Chewed foliage 1
- Chewed fruit 1
- Chewing 15
- Choisya 1
- Chrysanthemums 1
- Citrus 7
- Citrus mites 1
- Citrus scab 1